The Salvation Army
of Central Virginia

This is Hope Campaign Logo - Blue Paint streak representing a roof with a Salvation Army  logo superimposed.

A Campaign to Transform Lives

Six members of the Crumble family standing on the front stairs to a facility smiling and in winter clothing.

This is Service

Since 1885, The Salvation Army has been serving the Richmond area. Today, The Salvation Army Central Virginia Area Command is delivering hope and meeting needs across 16 localities in the Richmond area. Serving the poorest of the poor and our most vulnerable men, women, and children, The Salvation Army has a vision to make an even greater positive impact, elevate neighborhoods, strengthen community collaborations, and provide opportunities to transform lives.

This is a Crisis

More than 17% of the population lives at or below poverty level in the Greater Richmond Area, according to the American Community Survey .

681 individuals, including some in families, experienced homelessness in 2024, according to the Point-in-Time (PIT) Homeless Census

267 unhoused unsheltered individuals, according to the 2024 PIT Count

298 Days is the median length of time a person experiences homelessness.

2,451 unhoused students reported in Richmond, Henrico County, and Chesterfield County.

Many people have become unhoused through devastating personal crises, sudden job loss, domestic violence, substance abuse, or eviction.

One in three households (99,929) can be categorized as ALICE (asset-limited, income-constrained, employed). These households are the working poor and are often in danger of homelessness if one thing (job loss, increased rent, unplanned medical bills) goes wrong.

The photos below show how our current facility does not have enough space or privacy for individuals and families..

BEFORE Image: Close up of bed and crib in current shelter.
BEFORE Image: Photo showing Men's sleeping area.

This is a Solution

 The Salvation Army’s new Center of Hope will:

  • Increase emergency shelter beds from 50 to 100 emergency shelter beds and new inclement weather shelter beds: FAMILIES–currently 17 beds, increasing to 28; SINGLE MEN–currently 33 beds, increasing to 72; INCLEMENT WEATHER–100 beds for men and women in this seasonal emergency shelter that operates daily from November to April and other periods of inclement weather.

  • Be fully accessible for individuals experiencing physical limitations.

  • Quadruple program space from 9,000 sq. ft. to over 36,000 sq. ft. to magnify The Salvation Army’s impact.

  • Dedicated space for case management services, crisis financial assistance to prevent homelessness, working with collaborative partners.

  • Increase the number of family rooms to ensure families experiencing homelessness can remain together as a supportive unit.

  • Add beds for unhoused individuals recovering from illness or injury in an effort to prevent disease spread in the population and prevent possible expensive public costs for emergency room care.

  • Collaborate with the City of Richmond to house its Community Resource & Training Center serving the unhoused community.

This Is Community

The Center of Hope aligns with the city’s strategic plan to end homelessness in Richmond and The Richmond 300: A Guide for Growth, which outlines a 20-year vision for the future of Richmond that “seeks a more equitable, sustainable and beautiful future for all Richmond residents.”

The City of Richmond committed a challenge-matching grant of $7,000,000 to this project. The match must be secured by 12/31/2026.

The City of Richmond’s Office of Homeless Services’ Community Resource and Training Center connects Richmond residents experiencing hardship and housing insecurity to services, resources, and case management that support their path to stabilization. The walk-in center provides a safe environment for anyone to tell their story to a well-informed human services navigator and receive a warm referral to the system of care that is best equipped to help them with their unique needs. These needs include coordinated homeless services, affordable housing resources, and eviction prevention and diversion programs.

This Is Impact

We strategically expanded to meet emerging community needs:

  • The Salvation Army Community Center located in the East End (Church Hill) was extensively renovated in 2019.

  • The Community Center thrives on collaborative partnerships, like Swim RVA, to create a healthy, vibrant community for all ages.

  • More than 22,000 children & youth participate in educational programming annually.

  • The Salvation Army Worship Center (church) is a welcoming Christian community where individuals & families find a sense of belonging, where youth & adults participate in personal music, Bible and leadership programs, people in need access social services, and the hungry are fed.

In 2023


Music and arts lessons provided


Community Center Oasis fitness facility visits


Pounds of food donated


Angels and Silver Bells (senior adults) adopted


Community volunteers contributed 32,835 hours

This Is Transformation

The Salvation Army’s Pathway of Hope initiative is transformative for families with children who want to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and enable a path out of the constant crisis. It is rooted in the economic mobility coaching approach, focusing on the parent’s goals and mastery of different life skills.

By helping families overcome challenges like unemployment, unstable housing, and lack of education, The Salvation Army and collaborative partners guide families toward increased stability and, ultimately, self-sufficiency.

This Is Important

The challenges our community faces are significant and growing. Just look around as you drive through town. People–even children–are living on the streets, unsure of where they will sleep safely tonight, to say nothing about creating a better future for their families. Current environmental and social issues are making it harder than ever.

The Center of Hope’s expanded capacity and collaborative partnerships will meet these challenges and restore lives.

With the help of friends like you, we will build our Center of Hope to help everyone who wants help.

Major Samuel Kim

Area Commander

Portrait of Martin holding his young son's hand standing outside the Salvation Army in Richmond, Virginia

Felton’s Story

Becoming a parent is life-changing. Becoming a father gave Felton a second chance for a new beginning when he became a father to a beautiful little girl named Talia on Juneteenth 2018.

Tyshell - parent holding child in front of Salvation Army bulletin board.

Tyshell’s Story

Throughout 2021, The Salvation Army of Central Virginia sheltered 122 homeless individuals and provided hot meals to 1,825 individuals through its homeless outreach ministry.

The Pathway of Hope

Unhoused in Crisis

  • Emergency Shelter
  • Housing First
  • Rapid Exit Interventions
  • Self-Resolution Funds
  • Rapid Rehousing (The Salvation Army Partner)
  • Spiritual Support

Housed At Risk

  • Utility & Rent/Mortgage Assistance
  • Housing Stabilization
  • Basic Financial Literacy Education
  • Employment Assistance
  • Access to Healthcare
  • Spiritual Support

Stable/Below Poverty

  • Financial Assistance
  • Support for Life Plan/Goals
  • eJob Training/Counseling
  • Peer Coaching
  • Bridging Social Capital
  • Financial Counseling
  • Health/Wellness Education
  • eHome Ownership
  • Spiritual Support


This is Your Opportunity

This is your opportunity to be part of the solution.

The need is urgent, and your support will position The Salvation Army of Central Virginia to address it.

The City of Richmond committed a challenge-matching grant of $7,000,000 to this project. The match must be secured by 12/31/2026.

Cash contributions, gifts of appreciated stock, bonds, marketable real estate, and/or other appreciated and appraisable possessions will be accepted. Additionally, a variety of planned and deferred gifts—such as trusts, life insurance, and bequests—will allow you to leave a legacy in support of the endowment fund to ensure sustainability for generations to come.


The Salvation Army needs pledges and contributions fulfilled by 12/31/2026 to help realize our vision.  Contact us to learn more.